OERs - eTextbooks



It is dedicated to providing the pharma job posts, location wise list of pharmaceutical companies with addresses and some free pharma books which are available on the internet.



Open Educational Resources from leading colleges & universities.




Titles have been made available as open access publications under a Creative Commons licence.



This effort funded by the Hewlett Foundation, seeks to drive adoption of open textbooks. Many of the books shared on this resource are reviewed.


Rice Connexions is providing peer reviewed, quality open textbooks with interactive components. There are some amazing textbooks available here, with more in production.


Consists of a huge collection of free online Computer, Programming, Mathematics, Technical Books, Lecture Notes and Tutorials. It is very well categorized by topics, with 12 top level categories, and over 150 sub-categories.


Lists free online computer science, engineering and programming books, textbooks and lecture notes, all of which are legally and freely available over the Internet. Throughout other terms are used to refer to a book, such as ebook, text, document, monogram or notes.


An immense collection of textbooks for consultation, including fiction, essay and poetry.


Get In Touch

Anjuman-Islam's Kalsekar Technical Campus

  • Add: Sector 16, Plot # 2&3, Near Thana Naka, Khanda Gaon, New Panvel, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Pincode: 410206
  • Tel: 022 27481247/48
  • Email: librarian@aiktc.ac.in
  • Fax: 022 27481249

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