Institutional Repository (0)
"Enhancing Teaching, Learning, and Research"
Digital Institutional Repository (IR@AIKTC), accessible on the Internet since 2014 , is yet another service provided by the KRRC, using Open Source Software – DSpace, developed by MIT and HP Labs.
IR maintains intellectual assets (Journal articles (preprints/postprints), Working Papers, Conference papers, Book chapters, Reports, Theses and Dissertations, and other scholarly publications) of the AIKTC.
It enables the AIKTC community to deposit (self archive) their publications using a web interface, and preserves and organises these publications for easy retrieval.
KRRC strongly encourages AIKTC authors to deposit their work in Repository or an open access disciplinary repository because open access broadens dissemination, increases use, citation, and impact, and maximizes the return on investment in research.
To access restricted contents get register with us.
Note: While writing your name please mention Library Membership number after first name in round brackets. Eg.: Shaheen(11PH01) for authentication.
Contents are purely for academic & research work only.
Repository registered in:
- Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR) hosted by University of Nottingham, UK.
- Registry of Open Access Repository (ROAR) hosted by University of Southampton, UK.
- Registry of Open Access Repository Mandates And Policies(ROARMAP)hosted by University of Southampton, UK.
- Duraspace: Dspace User Registry