In - Out Management System

In - Out Management System

In out management system is web based application. It is used to track the patrons who visits to library or related locations like study zone, reading room etc. It’ll scan the barcode from the ID and log the entry time and exit time of the patrons. The patron data will be fetched from the KOHA database along with the images and displayed on this system.

There are two interfaces, one is for the reading barcodes at the door and another one is for access the reports. This system will generate four types of reports in the form of excel sheet and can be downloaded.

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Anjuman-Islam's Kalsekar Technical Campus

  • Add: Sector 16, Plot # 2&3, Near Thana Naka, Khanda Gaon, New Panvel, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Pincode: 410206
  • Tel: 022 27481247/48
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